
Simmons #Snoozzzapalooza

In the summer of 2020 COVID cancelled everything. Music festivals, concerts, group hangs over 10. But you know what wasn’t cancelled? Fun-zzz’s. To fill the void of cancelled events while proving there was still a ton of lock down fun to be had on your mattress we created TikTok’s first ever music festival: Snoozzzapalooza. The results? Hotter than the VIP tent at Coachella. 3 billion views in 6 days with over 6 billion to date. 2.5 million UGC videos created (that’s 120% above TikTok’s benchmark, crazy, right?), +49% increase in sales, a viral hashtag, named a “Brand That Inspired Us” by TikTok. And we even won their Editor’s Choice award at the very first TikTok awards.

Even the Harvard Business Review was impressed.

Awards: Webby, Reggie + Effie honoree